
What truly matters?

What is your purpose in life? Do we need to find out? What is stopping you? Everybody has their own set of beliefs that dictate how they think, which dictates how they feel, which dictates how they behave. Rarely are all of peoples beliefs working for them - Your dreams or desires should never be limited by your current strengths or beliefs about yourself.

Find your true drive..

We’ve all chased things we thought would matter. At some point we all thought money would be the answer, or that success was the highest prize. But what do we often find when we actually attain these sacred objects? We find that they are not enough. Our minds have been programmed to always want more once the initial good feelings subside. Climbing one of these mountains always exposes another.

This is why true purpose should not be driven by external things like money or success or status or popularity - It should be driven by what gives us intrinsic satisfaction and contentment, because this is what really leads to long lasting true happiness within ourselves, and the life we are leading.

Your mind will look for ways to create the reality you want once you develop the belief that you can attain it. This is like giving your mind permission to go find the thing that you want.